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Shop page

In this section we will guide you to setup shop page.

Add Shop page

In order to add this feature, follow these steps:

  • Upload routes.yml, for that go to settings->Labs->Routing
  • Create a blank page, the title of this page will be displayed as title meta for the shop page. (Add only the title and leave it)
  • You can now visit the shop page, the url will be like this:

Add Shop post

To display posts that have products in shop page, you need to add a shop hash-tag (#shop). If you want to classify your posts with tags, you need add your tags first, the hash-tag #shop should be the last.

Add new products

After creating the shop post, you can add your products using Ghost pre-built product card. You can insert a card by clicking the + button, then add your content including an image, description, button or rating. you can put the products card anywhere in the post content, the theme will organize them as slide.