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Theme Homepage

In this section we will guide you to setup the homepage

In homepage, you will have those sections.

  • Tabbed posts by tags
  • Authors
  • Blog List
  • Subscribe Form
  • Featured posts

Tabbed posts by tags

Tabbed posts by tags is a useful feature for a blog or magazine theme, especially for sites that cover a variety of topics. This feature allows visitors to easily filter posts by tags and navigate to the content they are interested in.

To add tabs to the theme, you'll need to edit the code. First, go to the theme folder, then to the partials folder. Open the latest-posts-category.hbs file with an editor, such as Notepad++. You can add the tab header by typing:

{{> "tabs" tag_name="Beauty" default="true" tab_id="tab1"}}

and specify the following parameters:

tag_name: the name of the tab
default: set to "true" if you want this to be the first tab
tab_id: a unique identifier for the tab

Next, you'll need to add the content for the tab. To do this, add the following line:

{{> "loop-latest-posts-category" tag_slug="beauty" default="true" tab_id="tab1"}}

Specify the following parameters:

tag_slug: the slug of the tag you want to display
default: set to "true" if you want this to be the first tab
tab_id: the same unique identifier used for the tab header and content.


Showcases a list of authors or contributors who have written content for the website. t provides readers with an opportunity to get to know the writers behind the content and establish a personal connection with them. Additionally, it can help to promote the authors and their work, which may lead to increased engagement and readership for the website.

Blog List

"Display Your Recent Posts" is a feature that allows you to showcase your latest published articles or content on your Magazine or Blog. This feature can be useful for readers to quickly access and discover new content, as well as for you to promote your latest work and keep your website up-to-date.


Our blog post design comes in two versions, Simple Card and Full Card. By default, the layout for your posts will be the Simple Card. If you want to change it to Full Card, simply add a hash-tag (#card) to your post.

Subscribe Form

Allows users to sign up for regular updates, newsletters, or other types of content. By subscribing, users can stay informed about the latest news, products, or promotions from the your website.

"Featured posts" is a section that highlights specific posts or articles that are considered to be of high quality, important, or relevant to the website's focus. The purpose of featuring posts is to draw attention to them and encourage readers to click through and read the full article. This can help increase engagement and traffic on the website, as well as showcase the best content to new visitors.


Branch will automaticly display your Featured Posts